Inspired by Julian...

Yesterday I listened to a two-hour plus interview of Julian Lennon by Joe Rogan. I hadn't thought of Julian for years and years, though I follow Sean on X and love his posts. After the interview I went to his Instagram to "critique" his "art" that had been discussed in the talk. I was captivated. I love his style. He is a great photographer. He appears to be living the dream as a foodie and artist (musician and photographer) and lover of spending time outdoors in the romantic areas of Morroco and Italy where he lives. He mentions Corsica as a favorite spot. I'm betting he has a hired professional to do these labor intensive posts. If he does them himself I'm so impressed. 

What resonated with me was his love of black and white, his importance of cropping just right, almost a toy camera feeling to his photos, his excellent use of fonts, his great quotes, the music that accompanies his posts, his appreciation of white roses and feathers, and his old world charm style. His philanthropy focuses on some of the things I value highly as well, regenerative agriculture and indigenous cultures.

From the food post below, his spaghetti recipe: Simple and super delicious… Heated/warmed olive oil, garlic (6 cloves) chopped chilli & squeeze of fresh lemon at the end, salt & fresh ground pepper to taste… And Spaghetti, of course… 

Here are a few of my favorite Instagram posts of Julian's that I found inspiring. As you can see, I especially like scenes of his living environs.